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Arrane in descending order.

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To arrange the rational numbers 812,24,38,49 in descending order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert to Positive Denominators
First, we need to convert the fractions with negative denominators to have positive denominators. This can be done by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by -1.

- 812=812
- 24 remains the same.
- 38 remains the same.
- 49 remains the same.

Now we have:
- 812,24,38,49

Step 2: Find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the Denominators
The denominators we have are 12,4,8, and 9. We need to find the LCM of these numbers.

- The prime factorization is:
- 12=22×3
- 4=22
- 8=23
- 9=32

The LCM is found by taking the highest power of each prime:
- LCM=23×32=8×9=72

Step 3: Convert Each Fraction to Have the LCM as the Denominator
Now we convert each fraction to have a denominator of 72.

1. For 812:

2. For 24:

3. For 38:

4. For 49:

Now we have:
- 4872,3672,2772,3272

Step 4: Arrange in Descending Order
Now we can arrange these fractions in descending order by comparing their numerators (since they all have the same denominator):

- The order from largest to smallest is:
- 4872 (which is 812)
- 3672 (which is 24)
- 3272 (which is 49)
- 2772 (which is 38)

Final Answer
Thus, the fractions in descending order are:
