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A variable complex number z=x+iy is such that arg z1z+1=π2. Show that x2+y21=0.

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To solve the problem, we start with the given condition:


This implies that the complex number z1z+1 lies on the positive imaginary axis. Therefore, we can express this condition in terms of the real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers involved.

1. Substituting z:
Let z=x+iy, where x and y are real numbers. Then we can write:

2. Finding the quotient:
Now, we compute the quotient:

3. Multiplying by the conjugate:
To simplify this expression, we multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator:

4. Calculating the denominator:
The denominator simplifies as follows:

5. Calculating the numerator:
The numerator simplifies as follows:
This simplifies to:

6. Putting it together:
Thus, we have:

7. Finding the argument:
The argument of a complex number a+ib is given by:
For our case, since the argument is π2, it implies that the real part must be zero:

8. Conclusion:
Therefore, we conclude that:

This shows that the condition is satisfied.
