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A problem with slash and burnt method of agriculture is that it requires :


lot of fossil fuel


lot of commercial fertilize


long time for the soil to recover


continual application of pesticide

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Slash and Burn Agriculture:
- Slash and burn agriculture is a method where vegetation is cut down and burned to clear land for farming. This process enriches the soil temporarily with nutrients from the ashes.

2. Identifying the Problem:
- One of the significant issues with this method is that after the land is cleared and used for farming, the soil's nutrients get depleted over time due to continuous cropping.

3. Soil Recovery Time:
- After using the land for agriculture, it is essential to allow the soil to recover. This recovery period is crucial for restoring soil fertility and preventing degradation.

4. Conclusion:
- The problem with the slash and burn method is that it requires a long time for the soil to recover after it has been used for cultivation. This recovery time is necessary to restore the nutrients and overall health of the soil.

Final Answer:
A problem with the slash and burn method of agriculture is that it requires a long time for the soil to recover.

