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1488773=? (a) 43 (b) 49 (c) 53 (d) 59

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To find the cube root of the number 148877, we will use the division method with pairing. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Pair the digits
We start from the right and make pairs of digits. For the number 148877, we can pair them as follows:
- (77)(88)(14)

Step 2: Find the largest cube
Now we need to find the largest cube that does not exceed the first pair (14). The cubes of the first few natural numbers are:
- 13=1
- 23=8
- 33=27

The largest cube that does not exceed 14 is 23=8. We write 2 as the first digit of our answer.

Step 3: Subtract the cube
Next, we subtract 8 from 14:

Step 4: Bring down the next pair
Now we bring down the next pair (88) next to 6, making it 688.

Step 5: Calculate the next digit
Now we need to find the next digit. We will use the formula:
(3×previous digit2)×x
where the previous digit is 2. So we calculate:
Now we need to find x such that:

Step 6: Test possible values for x
Let’s test x=5:
(12×5)×5=60×5=300(which is less than 688)
Now let’s test x=6:
(12×6)×6=72×6=432(which is still less than 688)
Now let’s test x=7:
(12×7)×7=84×7=588(which is still less than 688)
Now let’s test x=8:
(12×8)×8=96×8=768(which exceeds 688)
So, the next digit is 7.

Step 7: Subtract and bring down the last pair
Now we subtract 588 from 688:
Now we bring down the last pair (77) next to 100, making it 10077.

Step 8: Calculate the next digit
Now we need to find the next digit. We will use the formula:
(3×previous digit2)×x
where the previous digit is 27. So we calculate:
Since 2187 is too large, we will try x=3:
Now let’s test x=4:
Now let’s test x=5:
Now let’s test x=6:
Now let’s test x=7:
Now let’s test x=8:
So, the next digit is 5.

Final Result
Combining all the digits we found, we have:
The cube root of 148877 is approximately 57.
