, From 3 capitals, 5 consonants, and 4 vowels, how many words can be made, each containing 3 consonants and 2 vowels, and beginning with a capital

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Number of the ways of choosing 3 consonants from 5 consonants is=5C3=10ways
Number of the ways of choosing 2 vowels from 4 vowels=4C2=6ways
Number of the ways of choosing 1 capitals from 3 capitals=3C1=3ways
This result would be in 6 lettered word with 1 st letter as capital and remaining 5 letters can be anything out of vowels and consonants.
so, the 1st position is fixed by the capitals and in remaining 5 letter can be arranged in 5C5=5120 ways
So,number of total ways are=10X6X3X120=21600ways

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