The number of permutations which can be formed out of the letters of the word "SERIES" talking three letters together, is:

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Given letters S,S,E,E,R,I
There are 4 district letters S,E,R,I.
We need to form 3−lettered words.
Case 1:All 3 letters are district
so,or choosing 3 letters we have =4C3
​ Rearrangements =3!
Total =4C3×324
Case 2:2 are of one kind, 1 is different
There are choices for repeated letters (S,E)so,2C1
​ We need to choose 1 from remaining 3 letters so, =3C1
​ These can rearranged in 2!3!​ ways.
Total =2×3×3=18
Thus, Required =24+18=42 words.

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