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Write any two applications of good conductors of heat.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Good Conductors of Heat:
- Good conductors of heat are materials that allow heat to pass through them easily. Metals like copper and aluminum are common examples.

2. First Application - Car Radiators:
- One important application of good conductors of heat is in car radiators.
- Car radiators are designed to dissipate heat from the engine.
- The good thermal conductivity of the materials used in radiators helps to transfer heat away from the engine efficiently, preventing overheating.

3. Second Application - Cooking Utensils:
- Another application of good conductors of heat is in cooking utensils.
- Utensils made from good conductors, such as pots and pans, allow heat from the stove to spread evenly throughout the utensil.
- This efficient heat transfer ensures that food is cooked evenly and thoroughly.

Final Answer:
1. Car radiators are used to eliminate heat from the car engine.
2. Cooking utensils are made from good conductors to ensure even heating of food.

