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What is the need of units of measurement?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Measurement: Measurement is the process of quantifying an attribute, such as length, mass, or volume. It allows us to express how much of something we have.

2. Role of Units: Units are standard quantities used to specify measurements. They provide a reference point that helps us understand the size or amount of what we are measuring.

3. Examples of Units: Common units include kilograms (kg) for mass, meters (m) for length, and liters (L) for volume. For instance, if you measure the mass of an object and find it to be 5 kg, the "kg" tells you the measurement is in kilograms.

4. Importance of Units: Without units, a numerical value alone does not convey any meaningful information. For example, saying "5" without specifying the unit (like kg, m, or L) leaves us confused about what is being measured.

5. Conclusion: Units are essential in measurement because they provide clarity and meaning to the numerical values we obtain. They help us communicate measurements effectively and ensure that everyone understands the same thing.
