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What is meant by long-sightedness? How can this defect be corrected ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Long-Sightedness:
Long-sightedness, also known as hypermetropia, is a vision defect where a person can see distant objects clearly, but struggles to focus on nearby objects. This condition occurs when the eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature, causing light rays from close objects to focus behind the retina.

2. Understanding the Eye's Function:
In a normal eye, light rays from an object enter the eye and are focused on the retina, which is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye. For a person with long-sightedness, when light from a nearby object enters the eye, it does not converge correctly on the retina. Instead, the image is formed behind the retina, resulting in blurred vision for close objects.

3. Correction of Long-Sightedness:
To correct long-sightedness, a convex lens (also known as a converging lens) is used. This type of lens helps to bend the light rays that come from nearby objects so that they converge before reaching the eye.

4. How Convex Lens Works:
When a convex lens is placed in front of the eye, it causes the light rays from nearby objects to diverge slightly before entering the eye. This adjustment allows the eye to focus the light rays correctly on the retina, enabling the person to see nearby objects clearly.

5. Conclusion:
Therefore, the use of a convex lens is an effective way to correct long-sightedness, allowing individuals to have a clearer vision of objects that are close to them.
