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What are contact forces? State different contact forces. What are non-contact forces? Explain different types of non-contact forces.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution

Step 1: Understanding Contact Forces
- Contact forces are defined as forces that occur when two objects are in physical contact with each other. These forces arise due to the interaction between the surfaces of the objects.

Step 2: Types of Contact Forces
- There are several types of contact forces, including:
1. Muscular Force: This is the force exerted by muscles when we push or pull an object. For example, when you lift a box, the force applied by your muscles is the muscular force.
2. Frictional Force: This force opposes the motion of an object when it is in contact with another surface. For instance, when you slide a book across a table, the frictional force acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the book.

Step 3: Understanding Non-Contact Forces
- Non-contact forces are forces that act on an object without any physical contact between the objects. These forces can exert influence over a distance.

Step 4: Types of Non-Contact Forces
- There are several types of non-contact forces, including:
1. Magnetic Force: This is the force exerted by magnets. For example, when a magnet attracts or repels another magnet or a magnetic material like iron, it is exhibiting magnetic force.
2. Electrostatic Force: This force occurs between charged objects. For instance, if a charged balloon is brought near small pieces of paper, the balloon can attract the paper without touching it, demonstrating electrostatic force.

- Contact forces occur when objects are in contact, such as muscular and frictional forces.
- Non-contact forces act at a distance, including magnetic and electrostatic forces.
