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The end product of the β decay of .3215P is









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The correct Answer is:A

To find the end product of the beta minus decay of phosphorus-32 (3215P), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand Beta Minus Decay
In beta minus decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton. This process increases the atomic number of the element by 1 while keeping the mass number unchanged.

Hint: Remember that in beta minus decay, the transformation involves a neutron becoming a proton.

Step 2: Identify the Initial Nucleus
The initial nucleus is phosphorus-32, which has:
- Atomic number Z=15 (indicating it is phosphorus)
- Mass number A=32

Hint: The atomic number tells you which element you are dealing with.

Step 3: Apply the Beta Minus Decay Process
When phosphorus-32 undergoes beta minus decay:
- The atomic number increases by 1: Z=15+1=16
- The mass number remains the same: A=32

Hint: The mass number is conserved in this decay process.

Step 4: Identify the New Element
The element with atomic number 16 is sulfur (S). Therefore, the product of the decay is sulfur-32.

Hint: Use the periodic table to find the element corresponding to the new atomic number.

Step 5: Write the Decay Equation
The complete decay can be represented as:
where e is the emitted beta particle (electron) and ¯ν is the emitted antineutrino.

Hint: The decay equation shows the transformation and conservation of charge.

The end product of the beta minus decay of phosphorus-32 is sulfur-32.

Final Answer: 3216S

