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Sound cannot travel through:









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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Sound: Sound is a type of energy that is produced by vibrations. It travels through different mediums by causing the particles of the medium to vibrate.

2. Identifying Mediums: Sound can travel through various states of matter, including:
- Solids: Particles are closely packed, allowing sound to travel efficiently.
- Liquids: Particles are less tightly packed than solids but still allow sound to travel.
- Gases (Air): Particles are spread out, but sound can still travel through air.

3. Understanding Vacuum: A vacuum is a space devoid of matter, meaning it has no particles. Since sound requires a medium (particles) to transmit vibrations, it cannot travel in a vacuum.

4. Conclusion: Since sound needs a medium to travel and there are no particles in a vacuum, the correct answer to the question "Sound cannot travel through:" is Option 4: Vacuum.

