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Our body is accustomed to high atmospheric pressure on ground. If we encounter, a low atmospheric pressure as is th case on high altitude we will experience the bursting of body cells, bleeding of nose and a high blood preussure. But in space, where astronauts dare to travel, atmospheric pressure does not exist at all. How do they cope with such condition?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Atmospheric Pressure:
- At sea level, our body is accustomed to a certain level of atmospheric pressure. This pressure is balanced by the pressure exerted by the blood flowing inside our body.

2. Effects of Low Atmospheric Pressure:
- When we ascend to high altitudes, the atmospheric pressure decreases. This imbalance causes the pressure from the blood to exceed the external atmospheric pressure. As a result, body cells can burst, leading to symptoms like bleeding from the nose and increased blood pressure.

3. Conditions in Space:
- In space, there is virtually no atmospheric pressure. This presents a significant challenge for human survival, as the body is not designed to cope with such conditions.

4. Astronauts' Solution:
- To cope with the lack of atmospheric pressure in space, astronauts wear specially designed suits known as space suits. These suits create a controlled environment.

5. Function of Space Suits:
- Space suits are designed to maintain a stable internal pressure that mimics the atmospheric pressure at sea level. This is achieved by containing air within the suit, which exerts pressure against the body, balancing the internal and external pressures.

6. Conclusion:
- By using space suits, astronauts can survive in the harsh conditions of space, as these suits provide the necessary atmospheric pressure that their bodies require to function properly.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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