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Name three animals who use ultrasonic waves. Explain atleast one animal which uses ultrasonic waves.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Identify Three Animals that Use Ultrasonic Waves:
- The first animal is the bat.
- The second animal is the whale.
- The third animal is the dolphin.

2. Explain How Bats Use Ultrasonic Waves:
- Bats utilize ultrasonic waves primarily for navigation and hunting.
- They emit ultrasonic sound waves that travel through the air. When these waves encounter an object (like an insect), they bounce back to the bat.

3. Process of Echolocation in Bats:
- When a bat sends out a sound wave, it travels until it hits an object.
- The sound wave reflects back to the bat's ears, allowing it to determine the distance, size, and shape of the object.
- This ability helps bats to navigate in the dark and locate their prey, which often consists of small insects.

4. Introduce the Term Related to This Technique:
- The technique used by bats is known as Echolocation.
- A related term is SONAR, which stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. This technique is also used by submarines and whales to navigate underwater.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, bats, whales, and dolphins are three animals that use ultrasonic waves, with bats using echolocation to hunt and navigate effectively.

