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Name the factor affecting the Centre of gravity of a body.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Center of Gravity: The center of gravity (CG) of a body is the point where the entire weight of the body can be considered to act. It is crucial in determining how the body will balance and behave under various conditions.

2. Identifying Factors: There are several factors that can affect the position of the center of gravity of a body.

3. Factor 1 - Shape of the Body: The shape of the body plays a significant role in determining its center of gravity. Different shapes distribute mass differently, which can shift the CG. For example, a symmetrical shape will have its CG at its geometric center, while an irregular shape may have its CG located elsewhere.

4. Factor 2 - Size of the Body: The size of the body also affects its center of gravity. Larger bodies may have their CG at different points compared to smaller bodies of the same shape. As the size increases, the distribution of mass changes, which can lead to a different CG location.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the two main factors affecting the center of gravity of a body are its shape and size.

