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Mass and weight are two different Physical quantities. a) What is the relation betweẹn them? b) Name an instrument for measuring weight? c) What will be the weight of a body of mass 10 kg on the surface of earth? d) What will be the mass of the body at the. moon? e) "If the body is bróught to the centre of the earth, its màss will be zero". Comment to this statement.

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a) Weight is the product of mass (m) and acceleration due, to gravity g. That is weighț =mg. b) Spring balance .c) Weight of a body of mass 10 kg. mass =mg=10 xx 9.8.=98 N d) Mass at the moon is 10 kg. e) . This statement is wrong. The. mass of a body will be same everywhere and hence its mass at the centre of the earth will be 10 kg itself. But weight of this body at the centre will be zero.
