Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain the following terms :
Reflected ray

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Reflected Ray:
- A reflected ray is defined as the ray of light that bounces back after striking a surface. When light hits a surface, it can either be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected.

2. Interaction with Surface:
- When a ray of light (known as the incident ray) strikes a surface, it interacts with that surface. Depending on the nature of the surface (smooth or rough), the light may reflect in different ways.

3. Direction of Reflection:
- The reflected ray travels in the opposite direction to the incident ray. This means that after hitting the surface, the light does not continue through the surface but instead reflects away from it.

4. Diagram Representation:
- In a diagram, the incident ray is often represented by one color (for example, blue), and the reflected ray is shown in another color (for example, green). The point where the incident ray strikes the surface is called the point of incidence.

5. Conclusion:
- Thus, the reflected ray is crucial in understanding how light behaves when it encounters different surfaces. It is a fundamental concept in optics and is essential for studying phenomena such as mirrors and lenses.
