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Draw a labelled diagram of a block and tackle system of pulleys with two pulleys in each block. Indicate the directions of the load, effort and tension in the string.

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To draw a labeled diagram of a block and tackle system of pulleys with two pulleys in each block, follow these steps:

1. Draw the Pulleys: Start by drawing two blocks, each containing two pulleys. The blocks can be represented as rectangles or squares.

2. Position the Pulleys: Inside each block, draw two circles to represent the pulleys. Ensure that the pulleys in the first block are aligned with the pulleys in the second block.

3. Connect the Pulleys: Draw a string that goes over the first pulley in the first block, then down to the first pulley in the second block, and back up to the second pulley in the first block, and finally down to the second pulley in the second block. This creates a loop.

4. Indicate the Load: At the bottom of the second block, draw an arrow pointing downwards to represent the load being lifted. Label it as "Load".

5. Indicate the Effort: On the left side of the first block, draw an arrow pointing upwards to represent the effort being applied to lift the load. Label it as "Effort".

6. Indicate the Tension: Along the string, draw small arrows pointing in the direction of the string to indicate tension. Label these arrows as "Tension".

7. Label the Components: Clearly label each part of the diagram: the blocks, the pulleys, the load, the effort, and the tension.

Final Diagram:
- You should have two blocks, each with two pulleys, a load at the bottom, an effort arrow on the side, and tension arrows along the string.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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