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Distinguish between Regular and diffused reflection .

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Regular Reflection:
- Regular reflection occurs when light rays hit a smooth or polished surface. This type of reflection allows for the light rays to bounce off in a uniform direction.

2. Definition of Diffused Reflection:
- Diffused reflection occurs when light rays strike a rough or uneven surface. This causes the light rays to scatter in various directions rather than reflecting uniformly.

3. Characteristics of Regular Reflection:
- The reflected rays are parallel to each other. This means that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for all incoming rays, resulting in a clear and defined image.
- A common example of regular reflection is a plane mirror, which reflects light in a consistent manner, allowing us to see a clear reflection.

4. Characteristics of Diffused Reflection:
- The reflected rays are not parallel. This scattering effect means that the light is reflected in many different directions, which results in a less defined image.
- Examples of surfaces that produce diffused reflection include walls, paper, and other rough surfaces.

5. Comparison Summary:
- Surface Type: Regular reflection occurs on smooth surfaces, while diffused reflection occurs on rough surfaces.
- Direction of Reflected Rays: In regular reflection, the reflected rays are parallel; in diffused reflection, they are scattered and not parallel.
- Examples: A plane mirror is an example of regular reflection, while a wall or piece of paper is an example of diffused reflection.
