Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Describe an experiment to show that water has maximum density at 4C.

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The apparatus for this experiment consists of a hollow metal cylinder, which is filled with water. There are arrangements to insert two thermometers at different heights. At the middle of the cylinder there is an outside reservoir for freezing mixture.
1. Cold water is poured into the cylinder. Both the thermometers now read the same temperature.
2. The outer reservoir is now filled with freezing mixture. After that the temperatures of the two thermometers are observed.
3. After adding the freezing mixture, the water cools down in the middle of the cylinder, increases its density and sinks to the bottom - the lower section of the cylinder fills up with cold water and the temperature t2 decreases, whereas t1 almost remains same.
4. The situation changes when the lower half of the cylinder fills up with water at approx. 4C, which reaches its maximum density at that point. Subsequent cooling of water to temperatures lower than 4C leads to a decrease in density - this colder water therefore accumulates in the upper half of the cylinder. Whereas the temperature t2 stabilizes around 4C, the temperature t1 rapidly decreases all the way to 0C.
