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Derive expression for the orbital velocity of a satellite and its time period. What is a geostationary satellite. Obtain the expression for the height of the geostationary satellite.

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To derive the expression for the orbital velocity of a satellite and its time period, as well as to understand what a geostationary satellite is and obtain the expression for its height, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understanding Orbital Velocity
When a satellite revolves around the Earth, it requires a certain velocity to maintain its orbit. This velocity is known as the orbital velocity. The centripetal force required to keep the satellite in orbit is provided by the gravitational force between the satellite and the Earth.

Step 2: Setting Up the Forces
The centripetal force Fc acting on the satellite can be expressed as:
- m = mass of the satellite
- v = orbital velocity
- r+h = distance from the center of the Earth to the satellite (where r is the radius of the Earth and h is the height of the satellite above the Earth's surface).

The gravitational force Fg acting on the satellite is given by:
- G = universal gravitational constant
- M = mass of the Earth

Step 3: Equating the Forces
For the satellite to maintain its orbit, the centripetal force must equal the gravitational force:

Step 4: Simplifying the Equation
We can cancel m from both sides (assuming m0):

Multiplying both sides by (r+h)2:

Step 5: Solving for Orbital Velocity
Now, we can solve for v:

Step 6: Deriving the Time Period
The time period T of the satellite is the time taken to complete one full orbit. It can be expressed as:

Substituting the expression for v:

Step 7: Understanding Geostationary Satellites
A geostationary satellite is one that has a time period equal to the Earth's rotation period (approximately 24 hours). This means it appears to be stationary relative to a point on the Earth's surface.

Step 8: Height of a Geostationary Satellite
For a geostationary satellite, we set T=24 hours (or 86400 seconds). We can use the time period formula derived earlier:

Rearranging for r+h:

To find the height h, we subtract the radius of the Earth r:
