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Define Poisson's ratio.Write an expression for it. What is the significance of negative sign in this expression ?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Poisson's Ratio
Poisson's ratio is a measure of the relationship between the longitudinal strain and the transverse strain of a material when it is subjected to stress. It quantifies how much a material deforms in the direction perpendicular to the applied force compared to the deformation in the direction of the applied force.

Step 2: Write the Expression for Poisson's Ratio
The expression for Poisson's ratio (denoted as μ) is given by:


- Et = Transverse strain (strain in the direction perpendicular to the applied force)
- El = Longitudinal strain (strain in the direction of the applied force)

Step 3: Explain the Significance of the Negative Sign
The negative sign in the expression for Poisson's ratio indicates that the strains in the longitudinal and transverse directions are opposite in nature. When a material is subjected to tensile stress (stretching), it elongates in the direction of the applied force (positive longitudinal strain), while it contracts in the transverse direction (negative transverse strain). Thus, the negative sign ensures that Poisson's ratio remains a positive value for most materials under tensile stress. Conversely, under compressive stress, the longitudinal strain becomes negative (the material shortens), while the transverse strain becomes positive (the material thickens). This relationship reinforces the concept that the two strains behave oppositely.
