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Compare and contrast fossil fuels and the Sun as sources of energy.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Sources:
- Fossil fuels are natural substances formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that have been subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years. Examples include coal, oil, and natural gas.
- The Sun is a massive star at the center of our solar system that emits energy in the form of sunlight, which can be harnessed as solar energy.

2. Availability:
- Fossil Fuels: The reserves of fossil fuels are limited. Once consumed, they cannot be replenished on a human timescale, making them exhaustible resources.
- Solar Energy: Solar energy is abundant and essentially limitless. The Sun continuously produces energy, and we can harness it as long as the Sun exists.

3. Environmental Impact:
- Fossil Fuels: The combustion of fossil fuels releases pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution and climate change.
- Solar Energy: Solar energy generation is clean and does not produce harmful emissions, making it a pollution-free energy source.

4. Control Over Usage:
- Fossil Fuels: We can extract and use fossil fuels at our own rate, depending on demand and availability.
- Solar Energy: The availability of solar energy is dependent on weather conditions and time of day. It cannot be controlled or stored easily without proper technology (like batteries).

5. Dependability:
- Fossil Fuels: They can provide a consistent and reliable energy supply regardless of external conditions.
- Solar Energy: Solar energy can be intermittent, as it is not available during the night and can be reduced on cloudy or rainy days.

Summary of Comparison:

- Fossil Fuels: Limited, exhaustible, causes pollution, controllable usage, reliable.
- Solar Energy: Abundant, inexhaustible, pollution-free, dependent on natural conditions, intermittent.
