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(a) State the underlying principle of a potentiometer. Why is it necessary to
(i) use a long wire,
(ii) have uniform area of cross-section of the wire ?
(b) Obtain an expression for equivalent capacitance when three capacitors C1,C2andC3 are connected in series.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition: A potentiometer is an instrument used to measure the potential difference (voltage) across two points in a circuit.

2. Principle: The underlying principle of a potentiometer is based on the fact that the potential drop across a uniform wire carrying a steady current is directly proportional to its length. This can be mathematically expressed as:
where V is the potential difference and L is the length of the wire.

(i) Why is it necessary to use a long wire?

1. Lower Potential Gradient: A longer wire allows for a lower potential gradient (the potential drop per unit length). This results in a more sensitive measurement, allowing for smaller voltage differences to be detected more accurately.

2. Greater Sensitivity: With a longer wire, the least count of the potentiometer is reduced, enhancing its sensitivity.

(ii) Why is it necessary to have a uniform area of cross-section of the wire?

1. Uniform Resistance: A wire with a uniform cross-sectional area ensures that the resistance is evenly distributed along its length. This uniformity is crucial for maintaining a consistent potential gradient.

2. Accurate Measurements: If the cross-section varies, the potential drop would not be proportional to the length, leading to inaccurate voltage measurements.


(b) Expression for Equivalent Capacitance in Series:

1. Circuit Setup: Consider three capacitors C1,C2, and C3 connected in series across a voltage V.

2. Voltage Relationship: The total voltage V across the series combination is the sum of the voltages across each capacitor:

3. Charge Relationship: For capacitors in series, the charge Q on each capacitor is the same. The relationship between charge, capacitance, and voltage is given by:
Therefore, we can express the voltages as:

4. Substituting into Voltage Equation:

5. Factoring Out Q:

6. Expressing Equivalent Capacitance:
The equivalent capacitance Cnet for the series connection can be defined as:

7. Combining Equations:

Final Expression:
The expression for the equivalent capacitance Cnet when three capacitors C1,C2, and C3 are connected in series is:


Updated on:7/8/2024

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