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Explain the concept of linear demand function and calculate its slope.

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The linear demand function may be written in the form:
Where Qd=Quantity demanded of a commodity,
a = Value of X (Quantity demanded) when Y (price) is zero.
b =ΔQΔP i.e., Change in quantity demanded for a unit change in price.
P = own price of the commodity
Calculate of slope of demand curve
Linear dd curve implies a constant slope
bp=aQd or P=ab1bQd
where ()1b is the slope of dd curve.
Since b=ΔQΔP, slope ()1b will be:
()1ΔQΔP or P=ab1bQd
ΔPΔQ=Slope of dd curve
=Change in the variable measured on vertical axisChange in the variable measured on horizontal axis
For example : The demand function of a good is Qd=204P. Calculate its slope
or 4P = 20- Q
P=20414Q slope =()14
b = -4 (given)
Slope of dd curve is 1b.
Hence slope is ()14.
