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Write oxidation state and coordination number of [ C o ( N H 3 ) 4 C l 2 ] + ion. Calculate EAN of iron in [ F e ( C N ) 6 ] 4 - . Write the IUPAC name of [ Z n ( N H 3 ) 4 ] 2 +

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Let's break down the question step by step:

Step 1: Determine the Oxidation State of Cobalt in (Co(NH)Cl)

1. Identify the charge of the complex ion: The overall charge of the ion is +1.
2. Identify the ligands:
- Ammonia (NH₃) is a neutral ligand, contributing 0 to the charge.
- Chloride (Cl⁻) is a negatively charged ligand, contributing -1 each.
3. Set up the equation:
- Let the oxidation state of cobalt be \( x \).
- The contribution from the ligands is \( 4 \times 0 + 2 \times (-1) = -2 \).
- Therefore, the equation becomes:
x - 2 = +1
4. Solve for \( x \):
x = +1 + 2 = +3
So, the oxidation state of cobalt is +3.

Step 2: Determine the Coordination Number

1. Count the number of ligands attached to cobalt:
- There are 4 ammonia ligands and 2 chloride ligands.
2. Calculate the coordination number:
- Coordination number = Number of ligands = 4 (from NH₃) + 2 (from Cl) = 6.

Step 3: Calculate the Effective Atomic Number (EAN) of Iron in (Fe(CN))

1. Identify the atomic number of iron (Fe): The atomic number of iron is 26.
2. Identify the number of ligands: There are 6 cyanide (CN⁻) ligands.
3. Use the EAN formula:
\text{EAN} = \text{Atomic Number} + 2 \times (\text{Number of Ligands}) - \text{Oxidation State}
4. Determine the oxidation state of iron:
- Since the overall charge of the complex is -4 and CN⁻ contributes -6, we can set up the equation:
x + 6 = -4 \implies x = -4 - 6 = +2
5. Plug values into the EAN formula:
\text{EAN} = 26 + 2 \times 6 - 2 = 26 + 12 - 2 = 36

Step 4: Write the IUPAC Name of (Zn(NH))²

1. Determine the oxidation state of zinc (Zn):
- Ammonia is a neutral ligand, so the oxidation state of zinc is +2.
2. Identify the ligands:
- There are 4 ammonia ligands, which will be named as "tetraamine".
3. Construct the IUPAC name:
- Combine the ligand name with the metal name and oxidation state:
- The name will be "tetraamine zinc(II)".

Final Answers

1. Oxidation state of cobalt: +3
2. Coordination number: 6
3. EAN of iron in (Fe(CN)): 36
4. IUPAC name of (Zn(NH))²: Tetraamine zinc(II)
