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Write down structure of the following compounds:

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To draw the structure of the compound 3-bromo-2-methylpentan-2-ol, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the main chain
The name "pentan" indicates that the main carbon chain has 5 carbon atoms. Therefore, we will start by drawing a straight chain of 5 carbon atoms.

Hint: The prefix "pent-" indicates that the main chain consists of 5 carbon atoms.

Step 2: Number the carbon chain
We will number the carbon atoms in the chain from 1 to 5. This numbering will help us place the substituents correctly.

Hint: Number the carbon chain starting from the end that gives the lowest numbers to the substituents.

Step 3: Identify and place the substituents
- The "3-bromo" indicates that a bromine (Br) atom is attached to the third carbon.
- The "2-methyl" indicates that a methyl group (–CH3) is attached to the second carbon.
- The "2-ol" indicates that a hydroxyl group (–OH) is also attached to the second carbon.

Hint: Substituents are added based on their position as indicated by the numbers in the compound's name.

Step 4: Draw the structure
Now, we can draw the structure:
1. Start with the 5 carbon chain:
- C1 - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5
2. Add the substituents:
- At C2, add a methyl group (–CH3) and a hydroxyl group (–OH).
- At C3, add a bromine atom (–Br).

The structure can be represented as follows:

Step 5: Complete the structure
Finally, ensure that all carbon atoms have four bonds. The complete structure of 3-bromo-2-methylpentan-2-ol is:


The structure of 3-bromo-2-methylpentan-2-ol includes a 5-carbon chain with a bromine atom at the third carbon, a methyl group and a hydroxyl group at the second carbon.

