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Write down structure of the following compounds:

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To draw the structure of 1-ethyl-1-methylcyclohexane, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the components of the compound
1. Identify the components: The compound is made up of a cyclohexane ring, with one ethyl group (C2H5) and one methyl group (CH3) attached to the first carbon of the ring.

Step 2: Draw the cyclohexane ring
2. Draw the cyclohexane structure: Cyclohexane is a six-membered carbon ring. Draw a hexagon to represent the six carbon atoms.

Step 3: Number the carbon atoms
3. Number the carbon atoms: Start numbering the carbon atoms in the cyclohexane ring. You can number them clockwise or counterclockwise; ensure that the substituents are placed on the first carbon.

Step 4: Add the substituents
4. Add the ethyl and methyl groups:
- On carbon 1 of the cyclohexane, attach the ethyl group (C2H5).
- Also on carbon 1, attach the methyl group (CH3).

Step 5: Finalize the structure
5. Complete the structure: Ensure that all carbon atoms in the cyclohexane are connected and that the substituents are clearly shown on carbon 1.

Final Structure
The final structure of 1-ethyl-1-methylcyclohexane can be represented as follows:

