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Write all possible chain isomers for pentene and hexyne .

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To find all possible chain isomers for pentene and hexyne, we will follow a systematic approach.

Step 1: Identify the molecular formula
- Pentene has the molecular formula C₅H₁₀.
- Hexyne has the molecular formula C₆H₁₀.

Step 2: Draw all possible chain isomers for Pentene
1. 1-Pentene: The double bond is between the first and second carbon.
- Structure: CH₂=CH-CH₂-CH₂-CH₃

2. 2-Pentene: The double bond is between the second and third carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-CH=CH-CH₂-CH₃ (can exist as cis and trans isomers, but we are focusing on chain isomers)

3. 3-Pentene: The double bond is between the third and fourth carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-CH₂-CH=CH-CH₃

4. 2-Methylbutene: A methyl group is on the second carbon, with a double bond between the second and third carbon.
- Structure: CH₂=C(CH₃)-CH₂-CH₃

5. 3-Methylbutene: A methyl group is on the third carbon, with a double bond between the second and third carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-CH=C(CH₃)-CH₃

Summary of Pentene Isomers:
- 1-Pentene
- 2-Pentene
- 3-Pentene
- 2-Methylbutene
- 3-Methylbutene

Step 3: Draw all possible chain isomers for Hexyne
1. 1-Hexyne: The triple bond is between the first and second carbon.
- Structure: CH≡C-CH₂-CH₂-CH₂-CH₃

2. 2-Hexyne: The triple bond is between the second and third carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-CH≡C-CH₂-CH₂-CH₃

3. 3-Hexyne: The triple bond is between the third and fourth carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-CH₂-CH≡C-CH₂-CH₃

4. 2-Methyl-1-pentyne: A methyl group is on the second carbon, with a triple bond between the first and second carbon.
- Structure: CH≡C(CH₃)-CH₂-CH₂-CH₃

5. 3-Methyl-1-pentyne: A methyl group is on the third carbon, with a triple bond between the first and second carbon.
- Structure: CH≡C-CH(CH₃)-CH₂-CH₃

6. 2-Methyl-2-pentyne: A methyl group is on the second carbon, with a triple bond between the second and third carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-C≡C(CH₃)-CH₂-CH₃

7. 3-Methyl-2-pentyne: A methyl group is on the third carbon, with a triple bond between the second and third carbon.
- Structure: CH₃-CH≡C(CH₃)-CH₂-CH₃

Summary of Hexyne Isomers:
- 1-Hexyne
- 2-Hexyne
- 3-Hexyne
- 2-Methyl-1-pentyne
- 3-Methyl-1-pentyne
- 2-Methyl-2-pentyne
- 3-Methyl-2-pentyne

Final Summary:
- Pentene has 5 chain isomers: 1-Pentene, 2-Pentene, 3-Pentene, 2-Methylbutene, 3-Methylbutene.
- Hexyne has 7 chain isomers: 1-Hexyne, 2-Hexyne, 3-Hexyne, 2-Methyl-1-pentyne, 3-Methyl-1-pentyne, 2-Methyl-2-pentyne, 3-Methyl-2-pentyne.
