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Write a relevant equation , to show that ammonia acts as a reducing agent.

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To demonstrate that ammonia (NH₃) acts as a reducing agent, we can consider its reaction with a metallic oxide, such as copper(II) oxide (CuO). The reaction can be represented by the following balanced equation:

1. Identify the reactants: We have ammonia (NH₃) and copper(II) oxide (CuO).

2. Write the balanced chemical equation: When ammonia is passed over heated copper(II) oxide, it reduces the copper oxide to copper metal and produces water vapor and nitrogen gas. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:


3. Explain the reaction: In this reaction, ammonia donates electrons to copper(II) oxide, reducing it to copper metal. As a result, ammonia itself is oxidized, which is characteristic of a reducing agent.

4. Observations: The black solid copper(II) oxide (CuO) is converted into reddish-brown copper (Cu), indicating that a reduction has taken place.

5. Conclusion: This reaction illustrates that ammonia acts as a reducing agent by reducing copper(II) oxide to copper while being oxidized itself.

