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Write a note on formation of - helix.

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(i) In the α - helix sub - strcuture, the aminoacids are arranged in a right handed helical (spiral)structure and are stabilised by the hydrogen bond between to carbonyl oxygen one aminoacid (nth reside) with amino hydrogen of the fifth residue (n+4th residue)
(ii) The side chains of the residues protrude outsides of the helix. Each turn of an α-helix contains about 3.6 residues and is about 5.4 Å long.
(iii) The amino acid proline produces a lien in the helical structure and often calleda as a helical breaker due to its rigit cyclic structure.
(iv) Many fibrous proteins such as α-Keratin in hair, nails , wool , skin and myosin in muscles have α-helix structure. Stretching property of human hair is due to the helical structure of α-keratin in hair .
(v) Structure of α-helix
