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Which one of the following orders is not in according with the property stated against it ?


F 2 > C l 2 > B r 2 > I 2 , Bond dissociation energy


F 2 > C l 2 > B r 2 > I 2 , Oxidising power


H I > H B r > H C l > H F : acidic property in water


F 2 > C l 2 > B r 2 > I 2 : Electronegativity.

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To solve the question, we need to analyze the orders given for different properties of halogens and determine which one does not align with the expected property.

1. Understanding Bond Dissociation Energy (BDE):
- BDE is the energy required to break a bond homolytically.
- For halogens, the expected order of bond dissociation energy is:
- Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2.
- This is because as atomic size increases, the bond strength decreases due to the larger distance between the nucleus and the bonding electrons.

2. Evaluating the Given Order for BDE:
- The order provided in the question is likely incorrect if it states that F2 has the highest bond dissociation energy.
- The correct order should show that Cl2 has a higher bond dissociation energy than F2.

3. Understanding Oxidizing Power:
- The oxidizing power of halogens is determined by their ability to gain electrons.
- The expected order is:
- F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2.
- This order is correct as fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent.

4. Evaluating the Given Order for Oxidizing Power:
- The order provided matches the expected trend, confirming it is correct.

5. Understanding Acidic Property in Water:
- The acidic strength of HX (where X is a halogen) is inversely related to the bond strength.
- The expected order of acidic property is:
- HI > HBr > HCl > HF.
- This is because HF has the strongest bond and thus is the weakest acid.

6. Evaluating the Given Order for Acidic Property:
- The order provided matches the expected trend, confirming it is correct.

7. Understanding Electronegativity:
- The electronegativity of halogens decreases down the group.
- The expected order is:
- F > Cl > Br > I.
- This is because fluorine, being the smallest atom, has the highest electronegativity.

8. Evaluating the Given Order for Electronegativity:
- The order provided matches the expected trend, confirming it is correct.

After analyzing all the given properties and their respective orders, we find that the only incorrect order is related to Bond Dissociation Energy (A). Therefore, the answer to the question is:

Answer: A (Bond Dissociation Energy)

