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Which of the following complexes (in solution) will have greater value of molar conductivity Explain giving reason
(a) K4[Fe(CN)6] and K3[Fe(CN)6]
(b) [Pt(NH3)2CI2] and [Pt(NH)3)6]Cl4 .

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On ionisation K4[Fe(CN)6]gives
K4[Fe(CN)6]4K+[Fe(CN)6]4¯five ions
Whereas K3[Fe(CN)6] on ionisation gives
K3[Fe(CN)6]3K+[Fe(CN)6]3¯four ions
Since K4[Fe(CN)6)] gives more number of ions (i.e five ions) as compared to K3[Fe(CN)6] (i .e four ions) on ionisation K4[Fe(CN)6] will have greater value of molar conductivity
(b) Pt[(NH3)CI2] is a non - electrolyte it does not ionise in solution whereas [Pt(NH3)6]CI4 ionises to give
[Pt(NH3)6]CI4[Pt(NH3)6]4+4CIΘfive ions
Hence [Pt(NH3)6]CI4 will have greater molar conductivity compared to [Pt(NH3)2CI2] .
