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Which is the false statement among the following:


Liquids diffuse slowly than gases


During evaporation of liquids, heating is always caused


Vapour pressure of a liquid increases with rise in temperature


Viscosity of liquid decreases with rise in temperature

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The correct Answer is:B

To determine which statement among the given options is false, we will analyze each statement one by one.

Step 1: Analyze the First Statement
Statement 1: Liquids diffuse slower than gases.

- Explanation: In liquids, particles are closely packed due to stronger intermolecular forces compared to gases, where particles are far apart and move freely. This means that liquid particles collide more frequently, resulting in slower diffusion compared to gases.
- Conclusion: This statement is true.

Step 2: Analyze the Second Statement
Statement 2: During evaporation of liquids, heating is always caused.

- Explanation: Evaporation is a process where molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to enter the gaseous state. This process actually absorbs heat from the surroundings, resulting in cooling of the liquid. Therefore, it does not cause heating; instead, it causes cooling.
- Conclusion: This statement is false.

Step 3: Analyze the Third Statement
Statement 3: Vapor pressure of a liquid increases with rise in temperature.

- Explanation: As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules in the liquid also increases. This leads to more molecules escaping into the vapor phase, which increases the vapor pressure.
- Conclusion: This statement is true.

Step 4: Analyze the Fourth Statement
Statement 4: Viscosity of liquid decreases with rise in temperature.

- Explanation: When a liquid is heated, the kinetic energy of its particles increases, which reduces the intermolecular forces of attraction. This results in a decrease in viscosity, as viscosity measures a fluid's resistance to flow.
- Conclusion: This statement is true.

Final Conclusion
After analyzing all four statements, we find that the false statement is Statement 2: "During evaporation of liquids, heating is always caused."

Summary of the Solution
- True Statements: 1, 3, and 4
- False Statement: 2
