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Which is corrosion resistant plastic of fluorine?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Question: The question asks for a corrosion-resistant plastic that contains fluorine.

2. Recall Relevant Information: Fluorine is known for its high reactivity and the ability to form strong bonds with carbon. This leads to the creation of various fluorinated compounds.

3. Identify the Plastic: The plastic that is widely recognized for its corrosion resistance and contains fluorine is Teflon.

4. Define Teflon: Teflon is the brand name for a synthetic chemical known as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

5. Understand the Structure: Polytetrafluoroethylene is a polymer made from the monomer tetrafluoroethylene, which has the chemical formula C2F4 (C=C with fluorine atoms attached).

6. Explain the Polymerization Process: Tetrafluoroethylene undergoes free radical vinyl polymerization to form the long-chain polymer known as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

7. List Properties of Teflon: Teflon is known for its non-stick properties, waterproof nature, and excellent corrosion resistance, making it suitable for various applications, including cookware and industrial coatings.

8. Conclude the Answer: Therefore, the corrosion-resistant plastic of fluorine is Teflon (PTFE).

