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When 1 mol of maltose is subjected to acid-catalysed hydrolysis, it yields


2 mol of βD(+) glucose


1 mol of αD(+) glucose and 1 mol of βD(+) glucose


2 mol of αd(+) glucose


½mol of αD glucose and 1½mol of βD(+) glucose

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The correct Answer is:C

When maltose is hydrolysed with dilute acids or by the enzyme maltase, it yeilds tow moles of αD(+) glucose per mole.
Hydrolysis by acid to give a new reducing group (two reducing D(+) glucose molecules in place of one (+) maltose molecule ) is characterstic of glycosides, hydrolysis by the enzyzme maltase is characteristic of alpha glucosides.
A glycoside is an aceral formed by interaction of an alcohol with a carbonyl group of a carbohydrate, in this case the alcohol concerned can only be a second molecules of D(+) glucose, (+) Maltose contains two D(+) glucose units, joined by an alpha - glucoside linkage between the carbonyl group of one D(+) glucose unit and an OH group of the other.
