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What type of elements are found to occur in the combined state?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Combined State of Elements:
Elements can exist in two forms: in a free (or native) state and in a combined state. The combined state refers to elements that are found in nature as part of compounds rather than as free elements.

2. Electrochemical Series:
The electrochemical series is a list of elements arranged according to their standard electrode potentials. Elements that are more reactive are placed higher in this series.

3. Elements Above Hydrogen:
Generally, elements that are found in the combined state are those that are placed above hydrogen in the electrochemical series. These elements are more reactive and tend to form compounds with other elements rather than existing in their elemental form.

4. Examples of Elements in Combined State:
- Zinc (Zn): Found in the form of zinc oxide (ZnO).
- Lead (Pb): Found in the form of galena (PbS).
- Aluminum (Al): Found in the form of bauxite (Al2O3·2H2O).

5. Conclusion:
In summary, the elements that are found to occur in the combined state are generally those that are more reactive, specifically those that are placed above hydrogen in the electrochemical series.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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