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What are polysaccharides ? Give one example.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Polysaccharides:
- Polysaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that consist of long chains of monosaccharide units. They are formed by the polymerization of many monosaccharides, which are the simplest form of carbohydrates.

2. Hydrolysis of Polysaccharides:
- When polysaccharides undergo hydrolysis, they break down into smaller units, specifically into a large number of monosaccharides. This process involves the addition of water and the action of enzymes.

3. Example of Polysaccharide:
- One common example of a polysaccharide is starch. Starch is primarily composed of glucose monomers linked together.

4. Linkage in Polysaccharides:
- The bonds that connect the glucose units in starch are known as glycosidic linkages. These linkages are formed through a condensation reaction, where a water molecule is released.
