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Trihalides of boron are .............. compounds and act as Lewis ................

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To solve the question "Trihalides of boron are .............. compounds and act as Lewis ................", we can break it down into two parts.

1. Identify the Nature of Trihalides of Boron:
- Boron trihalides (like BF3, BCl3, etc.) do not form ionic compounds. This is because boron has a high ionization enthalpy, which means it does not easily lose electrons to form cations. Instead, it prefers to share electrons with halogens (which are nonmetals) to form covalent bonds.
- Therefore, we conclude that trihalides of boron are covalent compounds.

2. Determine the Lewis Acid Behavior:
- A Lewis acid is defined as a substance that can accept a pair of electrons to complete its octet configuration. In the case of boron trihalides, boron has only six electrons in its valence shell when it forms these compounds. To achieve a stable octet, boron can accept a pair of electrons from a Lewis base.
- For example, in BF3, boron can accept electrons from a base, thus acting as a Lewis acid.
- Therefore, we conclude that trihalides of boron act as Lewis acids.

Final Answer:
Trihalides of boron are covalent compounds and act as Lewis acids.

