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To which category the following carbides belong ?

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To determine the category to which the carbide Al4C3 belongs, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Compound
The compound given is Al4C3, which is known as aluminium carbide.

Step 2: Understand Carbide Categories
Carbides can be classified into four main categories:
1. Saline Carbides: Composed of highly electropositive metals (like alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and some group 3 metals).
2. Covalent Carbides: Formed from elements with similar electronegativities, such as silicon and carbon.
3. Interstitial Carbides: Made from carbon and transition metals from groups 4, 5, and 6.
4. Intermediate Transition Metal Carbides: These are specific types of carbides formed with transition metals.

Step 3: Determine the Group of Aluminium
Aluminium (Al) is a group 3 metal. This classification is important because it helps us understand the nature of the carbide formed with carbon.

Step 4: Classify the Carbide
Since aluminium is a highly electropositive metal and Al4C3 is formed with carbon, it fits the definition of saline carbides. Saline carbides are typically formed from electropositive metals and carbon.

Therefore, Al4C3 (aluminium carbide) belongs to the category of saline carbides.

