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The strongest base among the following .









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The correct Answer is:A

To determine the strongest base among the given options, we will analyze the basicity of each compound based on their ability to donate lone pairs of electrons. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Understand Basicity
- A base is defined as a substance that can donate a lone pair of electrons to an electrophile (a species that accepts electrons). The stronger the base, the more readily it can donate its lone pair.

Step 2: Identify the Compounds
- Assume we have four amines to analyze:
1. NH3 (Ammonia)
2. RNH2 (Primary amine)
3. R2NH (Secondary amine)
4. R3N (Tertiary amine)

Step 3: Evaluate the Presence of Lone Pairs
- All amines have a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of electrons. However, the availability of this lone pair for donation can be affected by the surrounding groups attached to the nitrogen.

Step 4: Consider Electronegativity and Hybridization
- The electronegativity of atoms attached to nitrogen can influence the basicity. If electronegative atoms are present, they can withdraw electron density from the nitrogen, making the lone pair less available for donation.
- The hybridization of nitrogen also plays a role. The more s-character in the bonding (as in sp, sp2, sp3), the more electronegative the atom becomes, which can affect basicity.

Step 5: Analyze Each Compound
1. Ammonia (NH3): Has a lone pair available for donation.
2. Primary Amine (RNH2): Similar to ammonia, but the R group can influence basicity based on its nature (electron-donating or withdrawing).
3. Secondary Amine (R2NH): The two R groups can also influence basicity, but the presence of two groups may lead to steric hindrance.
4. Tertiary Amine (R3N): The three R groups can provide electron-donating effects, making the lone pair more available for donation.

Step 6: Determine the Strongest Base
- Among the amines, tertiary amines generally have the highest basicity due to the presence of three electron-donating groups, which stabilize the lone pair on nitrogen and make it readily available for donation.
- In contrast, if any of the R groups are electronegative or if there are double or triple bonds nearby, they can withdraw electron density and reduce basicity.

- After evaluating the compounds, the tertiary amine (R3N) is the strongest base among the options provided due to the optimal availability of its lone pair for donation.
