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The pair of species having paramagnetic nature and same bond order is









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To solve the problem of identifying the pair of species that have paramagnetic nature and the same bond order, we will analyze several molecular species based on their electronic configurations and bond orders.

1. Identify the Species to Analyze: We will consider the following species: C₂, O₂, B₂, F₂, and N₂.

2. Determine the Number of Electrons:
- C₂: Each carbon atom has 6 electrons, so C₂ has 12 electrons.
- O₂: Each oxygen atom has 8 electrons, so O₂ has 16 electrons.
- B₂: Each boron atom has 5 electrons, so B₂ has 10 electrons.
- F₂: Each fluorine atom has 9 electrons, so F₂ has 18 electrons.
- N₂: Each nitrogen atom has 7 electrons, so N₂ has 14 electrons.

3. Write the Molecular Orbital Configuration:
- C₂: σ1s² σ*1s² σ2s² σ*2s² (bonding) π2p_x² π2p_y² (total: 8 bonding, 4 anti-bonding)
- O₂: σ1s² σ*1s² σ2s² σ*2s² σ2p_z² π2p_x² π2p_y² π*2p_x¹ π*2p_y¹ (total: 10 bonding, 6 anti-bonding)
- B₂: σ1s² σ*1s² σ2s² σ*2s² π2p_x² (total: 6 bonding, 4 anti-bonding)
- F₂: σ1s² σ*1s² σ2s² σ*2s² σ2p_z² π2p_x² π2p_y² π*2p_x² π*2p_y² (total: 10 bonding, 8 anti-bonding)
- N₂: σ1s² σ*1s² σ2s² σ*2s² π2p_x² π2p_y² σ2p_z² (total: 10 bonding, 4 anti-bonding)

4. Calculate the Bond Order:
- Bond Order Formula: Bond Order = (Number of Bonding Electrons - Number of Anti-bonding Electrons) / 2
- C₂: (8 - 4) / 2 = 2
- O₂: (10 - 6) / 2 = 2
- B₂: (6 - 4) / 2 = 1
- F₂: (10 - 8) / 2 = 1
- N₂: (10 - 4) / 2 = 3

5. Determine Paramagnetic or Diamagnetic Nature:
- C₂: All electrons are paired → Diamagnetic
- O₂: Has unpaired electrons in π*2p_x and π*2p_y → Paramagnetic
- B₂: All electrons are paired → Diamagnetic
- F₂: All electrons are paired → Diamagnetic
- N₂: All electrons are paired → Diamagnetic

6. Identify the Pair with Same Bond Order and Paramagnetic Nature:
- From the analysis, O₂ is the only species that is paramagnetic and has a bond order of 2.
- We need to check for another species with the same bond order and paramagnetic nature. However, based on the calculations, O₂ is the only one that fits the criteria.

7. Conclusion: The pair of species having paramagnetic nature and the same bond order is O₂ and N₂²⁻ (if considering an ionized state of N₂).

Final Answer:
The pair of species having paramagnetic nature and the same bond order is O₂ and N₂²⁻.
