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The elements arranged in correct increasing order of electron affinity in a period of the Periodic Table are:


Nitrogen, carbon, boron


Boron, beryllium, lithium


Carbon, oxygen, fluorine


Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon.

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To determine the correct increasing order of electron affinity for the elements in the second period of the periodic table, we will analyze the electron configurations and the general trends in electron affinity.

1. Identify the Elements in the Second Period:
The elements in the second period are Lithium (Li), Beryllium (Be), Boron (B), Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), Fluorine (F), and Neon (Ne).

2. Understand Electron Affinity:
Electron affinity is defined as the amount of energy released when an atom in the gas phase accepts an electron. Generally, the more negative the value, the higher the electron affinity.

3. Consider the Electronic Configurations:
- Li: 1s² 2s¹
- Be: 1s² 2s²
- B: 1s² 2s² 2p¹
- C: 1s² 2s² 2p²
- N: 1s² 2s² 2p³
- O: 1s² 2s² 2p⁴
- F: 1s² 2s² 2p⁵
- Ne: 1s² 2s² 2p⁶

4. Analyze the Stability of Configurations:
- Neon has a fully filled configuration (stable), resulting in very low electron affinity.
- Beryllium also has a stable filled 2s subshell, leading to low electron affinity.
- Nitrogen has a half-filled p subshell, which is relatively stable, resulting in lower electron affinity compared to Oxygen and Fluorine.
- Fluorine has the highest electron affinity due to its high effective nuclear charge and the tendency to gain an electron to achieve a stable noble gas configuration.

5. Rank the Electron Affinities:
- Neon (Ne) has the least electron affinity (most positive).
- Beryllium (Be) follows, as it has a stable filled 2s subshell.
- Boron (B) has a slightly higher electron affinity than Be but lower than C.
- Carbon (C) has a higher electron affinity than B.
- Nitrogen (N) has a lower electron affinity than Oxygen (O).
- Oxygen (O) has a higher electron affinity than Nitrogen.
- Fluorine (F) has the highest electron affinity.

6. Final Order of Increasing Electron Affinity:
The correct increasing order of electron affinity in the second period is:
Ne < Be < B < C < N < O < F
