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The compound having E configuration is









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To determine which compound has E configuration, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand E and Z Configuration
E and Z configurations are used to describe the stereochemistry of alkenes. The E configuration occurs when the highest priority groups on either side of a double bond are on opposite sides, while the Z configuration occurs when they are on the same side.

Step 2: Assign Priorities
Using the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) priority rules, we assign priorities to the substituents attached to the double bond. The atom with the higher atomic number receives the higher priority.

Step 3: Analyze Each Compound
We will analyze each compound given in the question to determine their configuration:

1. Compound 1: Identify the groups attached to the double bond and assign priorities. If the highest priority groups are on the same side, it is Z; if they are on opposite sides, it is E.

2. Compound 2: Repeat the process of assigning priorities and checking the position of the highest priority groups.

3. Compound 3: Again, assign priorities and check the configuration.

4. Compound 4: Follow the same steps as above.

Step 4: Identify the E Configuration
After analyzing all compounds, identify which one has the highest priority groups on opposite sides of the double bond. This compound will have the E configuration.

After going through the analysis, we find that Compound 3 has the E configuration because the highest priority groups are on opposite sides of the double bond.

