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Silver is conducting as such while AgNO3 is conducting in molten state or in aqueous solution. Explain ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Silver (Ag):
- Silver is a metal and is classified as a transition metal. Transition metals are known for having free valence electrons that can move easily.
- These free electrons allow silver to conduct electricity in its solid state because the movement of these electrons facilitates the flow of electric current.

2. Understanding Silver Nitrate (AgNO3):
- Silver nitrate is an ionic compound made up of silver ions (Ag⁺) and nitrate ions (NO₃⁻). In its solid state, AgNO3 does not have free-moving electrons; instead, it consists of fixed ions in a lattice structure.
- Because of this fixed structure, solid AgNO3 does not conduct electricity.

3. Conductivity in Molten State or Aqueous Solution:
- When AgNO3 is heated to its molten state or dissolved in water (aqueous solution), it dissociates into its constituent ions (Ag⁺ and NO₃⁻).
- In the molten state or aqueous solution, these ions are free to move. The movement of these charged ions allows the solution to conduct electricity.

4. Conclusion:
- Silver conducts electricity due to the presence of free-moving electrons in its metallic structure.
- In contrast, AgNO3 only conducts electricity when it is in molten form or dissolved in water, as it dissociates into ions that can move freely and carry an electric current.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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