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Plant fibres are obtained from_________ and ________ .

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Plant Fibres: Plant fibres are natural fibres derived from various parts of plants. They are used in making textiles, ropes, and other materials.

2. Identifying Sources of Plant Fibres: We need to identify two specific parts of the plant from which fibres can be obtained.

3. First Source - Fruits: One of the sources of plant fibres is fruits. An example of a fibre obtained from fruits is cotton. Cotton is derived from the cotton plant's fruit, which is often referred to as cotton balls.

4. Second Source - Stems: Another source of plant fibres is the stems of plants. Jute is a well-known fibre that is extracted from the stem of the jute plant.

5. Final Answer: Therefore, plant fibres are obtained from fruits (like cotton) and stems (like jute).

