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NH3 does not contain hydroxyl group , then why is it a base ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Definition of a Base:
- A base is generally defined as a substance that can accept protons (H⁺ ions) or donate electron pairs. There are different theories that explain what constitutes a base.

2. Arrhenius Theory:
- According to the Arrhenius theory, a base is a substance that can produce hydroxide ions (OH⁻) when dissolved in water. Typically, bases contain hydroxyl groups (-OH).

3. Lewis Theory:
- The Lewis theory defines a base as a substance that can donate an electron pair to an acceptor. This theory broadens the definition of bases beyond just those that produce hydroxide ions.

4. Ammonia (NH₃) and Its Properties:
- Ammonia does not contain a hydroxyl group, yet it can act as a base. This is because it has a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of electrons.

5. Electron Pair Donation:
- The nitrogen in ammonia can donate its lone pair of electrons to a proton (H⁺ ion). When ammonia accepts a proton, it forms ammonium ion (NH₄⁺).

6. Formation of Hydroxide Ions:
- When ammonia is dissolved in water, it can react with water to form ammonium hydroxide (NH₄OH). This compound can then dissociate to release hydroxide ions (OH⁻) into the solution.

7. Conclusion:
- Therefore, even though ammonia does not contain a hydroxyl group, it can still act as a base by accepting protons and producing hydroxide ions when dissolved in water.
