Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Name the sugar present in milk. How many monosaccharide units are present in it ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Sugar Present in Milk:
The sugar that is commonly found in milk is called lactose. It is often referred to as "milk sugar."

2. Determine the Composition of Lactose:
Lactose is classified as a disaccharide, which means it is made up of two monosaccharide units.

3. Identify the Monosaccharide Units:
The two monosaccharide units that make up lactose are:
- Beta-D-galactose
- Beta-D-glucose

4. Conclusion:
Therefore, the sugar present in milk is lactose, and it consists of two monosaccharide units: beta-D-galactose and beta-D-glucose.

Final Answer:
- The sugar present in milk is lactose.
- It contains two monosaccharide units.

