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Name a 'pure form' and an 'impure form' of water in the natural state

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify a Pure Form of Water in Natural State:
- The pure form of water found in nature is rainwater. Rainwater is formed when water vapor condenses in the atmosphere and falls to the ground. This process removes impurities, making rainwater one of the purest forms of natural water.

2. Explain the Formation of Rainwater:
- Rainwater originates from the evaporation of water from various sources like ponds, lakes, and rivers. When water evaporates, it leaves behind impurities, and only the pure water vapor rises to form clouds. Once the vapor condenses, it falls back to the earth as rain.

3. Identify Impure Forms of Water in Natural State:
- Examples of impure forms of water in nature include seawater, lake water, and river water. These bodies of water contain various impurities such as salts, minerals, and organic matter.

4. Explain Why These Forms Are Impure:
- Seawater is considered impure because it contains a high concentration of salt and other minerals. Lake and river water can also contain pollutants and sediments from the surrounding environment, making them less pure compared to rainwater.

5. Summarize the Findings:
- In conclusion, the pure form of water in its natural state is rainwater, while impure forms include seawater, lake water, and river water.

