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How many types of isomerism exist in alcohols ? Give one example of each of them.

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To answer the question regarding the types of isomerism that exist in alcohols, we can break it down into three main types: chain isomerism, position isomerism, and functional isomerism. Below is a step-by-step explanation along with examples for each type.

1. Identify the Types of Isomerism:
- There are three types of isomerism that exist in alcohols:
1. Chain Isomerism
2. Position Isomerism
3. Functional Isomerism

2. Chain Isomerism:
- Definition: Chain isomerism occurs when the carbon skeleton of the molecule differs, while the molecular formula remains the same.
- Example: Consider butanol (C4H10O).
- One chain isomer is butan-1-ol (where the -OH group is on the first carbon).
- Another chain isomer is 2-methyl-propan-1-ol (where the carbon chain is branched).

3. Position Isomerism:
- Definition: Position isomerism occurs when the position of the functional group (in this case, the -OH group) changes within the same carbon skeleton.
- Example: Again, using butanol (C4H10O):
- Butan-1-ol has the -OH group on the first carbon.
- Butan-2-ol has the -OH group on the second carbon.

4. Functional Isomerism:
- Definition: Functional isomerism occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula but different functional groups.
- Example: Consider the molecular formula C2H6O:
- Ethanol (an alcohol) has the -OH functional group.
- Dimethyl ether (an ether) has an ether functional group (R-O-R).

Summary of Isomerism in Alcohols:
- Chain Isomerism: Butan-1-ol and 2-methyl-propan-1-ol.
- Position Isomerism: Butan-1-ol and butan-2-ol.
- Functional Isomerism: Ethanol and dimethyl ether.
